Is this Mercury retrograde really going to be difficult?

Is this Mercury retrograde really going to be difficult
Is this Mercury retrograde really going to be difficult. Photo: Pexels

Just when you think you finally have your life in order, astrology reminds you that everything is actually hanging by a thread! Great! Mercury retrograde starts again on March 15, and it’s time to get ready.

Over the next three weeks, Mercury retrograde will cause real communication failures, technological breakdowns, and debilitating headaches.

Welcome to 2025! Find out now what to expect from this Mercury retrograde and how to survive it.

Wait, so Mercury is retrograde now?

Yes, from March 15 to April 7, 2025, Mercury will be retrograde.

What exactly is Mercury retrograde?

Astrologically speaking, Mercury is the planet of communication, which means it governs everything from conversations to schedules, cognition to computers, transportation to transactions. Normally, Mercury is quite predictable: whatever zodiac sign Mercury is occupying at any given moment reflects how this fast-moving celestial body does its job. (For example, when Mercury is in Leo, it’s theatrical and expressive; whereas when Mercury is in Scorpio, it’s intuitive and strategic.) But when Mercury shifts into its quarterly retrograde spin, it enters its era of failure — and so do we.

Mercury retrograde is the astrological equivalent of an old-school slapstick routine: slipping on a banana peel, stepping on a rake, and getting smacked in the face by a swinging door — all while trying to send a simple email. During this three-week downward spiral, misunderstandings abound, emails vanish, flights get delayed, and everyone suddenly forgets how to act like a normal person. Which is really the last thing we need right now!

Why does this Mercury retrograde feel… even worse?

Every Mercury retrograde has its own brand of disorder, and this one is part impulse, part confusion. According to The Cut, this Mercury retrograde starts in Aries, and — from March 15 to March 29 — you should expect unnecessarily hot tempers, bold statements that age like raw milk, and tech failures that make you seriously consider becoming a Luddite. Aries is all about action, so this phase might make you feel like you must respond immediately, even when you really, really shouldn’t.

Then, on March 29, Mercury sneaks into Pisces, and all bets are off. Even when Mercury is functioning normally, this planet struggles in Pisces: facts dissolve, communication gets a little too abstract, and logic takes a back seat. But when Mercury is retrograde in Pisces? Big trouble.

Conversations loop endlessly, decisions get postponed indefinitely, and what seemed like a solid plan turns out to be smoke and mirrors. If Aries retrograde was all about reckless action, Pisces retrograde is a fog machine, blurring the lines between fact and fantasy. Mercury in Pisces doesn’t just make you forget where you put your keys — it makes you forget why you needed to leave the house in the first place.

But that’s not all! This Mercury retrograde is also happening at the same time as Venus retrograde and eclipse season! Miscommunication meets relationship turmoil meets karmic plot twists? Yes, it really is that bad!

How do I survive this Mercury retrograde?

Mercury retrograde is not an apocalypse—it’s just an inconvenient (yet predictable) headache. The best strategy? According to The Cut, assume nothing, double-check everything, and give yourself permission to slow down. Reread your messages before hitting send, confirm plans multiple times, and don’t take every frustrating delay as a personal attack from the universe.

Most importantly, don’t let Mercury retrograde rush you into decisions you’ll regret later. Aries will tempt you to act before thinking, while Pisces will make everything feel foggy and uncertain. The key is to slow down. If something feels urgent, sit with it. If something is unclear, ask questions. And if something falls apart, remember: sometimes Mercury retrograde doesn’t create chaos—it just reveals what was already unstable.

Mercury retrograde is a time for reflection, revision, and course correction. If you use this time wisely—embracing patience, flexibility, and the willingness to rethink your approach—you might just come out the other side with a fresh perspective and a clearer sense of direction.

So, back up your files, draft an apology text in advance, and don’t let this celestial confusion get the best of you. Mercury retrograde isn’t here to ruin your life—it just wants to keep things interesting. The world might be falling apart, but at least we still have our sense of humor. Right? Right?!

Who will feel this Mercury retrograde the most?

According to The Cut, while Mercury retrograde affects everyone, Aries, Pisces, Gemini, and Virgo will feel it the most in the coming weeks. Aries may struggle with impulse control, and Pisces might feel completely lost. As for Gemini and Virgo, these two signs are ruled by Mercury, so whenever this planet goes retrograde, they feel the effects even more intensely.

  • Mercury retrograde will impact Aries’ confidence and subconscious patterns.
  • Mercury retrograde will impact Taurus’ intuition and personal boundaries.
  • Mercury retrograde will impact Gemini’s ambitions and long-term goals.
  • Mercury retrograde will affect Cancer’s reputation and personal beliefs.
  • Mercury retrograde will affect Leo’s travel plans and emotional connections.
  • Mercury retrograde will impact Virgo: psychological breakthroughs and close relationships.
  • Mercury retrograde will impact Libra: important contracts and daily interactions.
  • Mercury retrograde will affect Scorpio: time management and creative inspiration.
  • Mercury retrograde will impact Sagittarius: romantic entanglements and emotional processing.
  • Mercury retrograde will impact Capricorn: family dynamics and social life.
  • Mercury retrograde will affect Aquarius: communication style and budgeting.
  • Mercury retrograde will affect Pisces’ financial priorities and self-discipline.

Source: The Cut. This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.

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